Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Darwinism and the myth of religious neutrality

Two good articles from Cornelius Hunter on why evolutionist's pretense to Darwinisms' being metaphysically neutral is a myth.

This seems to be a very difficult subject for darwinists to understand and accept.

Of course, they've been brainwashed into believing that Darwinism is religiously neutral and can co-exist with any religion. This is because it is claimed to be purely natural science with no meta-physics involved. Hunter aptly points out that this is untrue.

Just because their religious beliefs are the opposite of others doesn't make them any less religious beliefs nontheless.

This pretense to neutrality is also socially harmful and hard-line evolutionist propagandists, like Eugenie Scott and the NCSE propaganda web site and organization, know this. That's why she can send little advisory notes to others telling them to keep their metaphysics in line when propagating their religion of Darwinism. If there are no metaphysical implications or basis in Darwinism why would she feel compelled to do so?

The answer is obvious. Darwinism is deeply rooted in the ancient religion of naturalism with methodological naturalism as it's "science".

As Hunter says, "This is why evolutionists are not good at making theory-neutral evaluations of the empirical evidence. For evolutionists, evolution is not something that might be wrong. It must be true."

The Darwinist high priests have long pulled the wool over the eyes of the judicial and academic communities in this. Isn't it time they were exposed for the deceivers that they are?

Darwin himself recognized and stated that his theory was not real science. Strange that it is so promoted as such these days by those who that Design is not science!!

I'm very glad someone is publishing comments like this. Thank you Mr. Hunter.